


Daylight Saving Time (DST) – also known as Summer Time – starts on the 2nd Sunday in March and ends on the 1st Sunday in November.
Why does Japan not use DST but more than 70 countries in the world do? Here are some Pros and Cons. You can be the judge if DST is good or not.
Pro: Longer Evenings
Proponents of DST argue that longer evenings motivate people to get out of the house. The extra hour of daylight can be used for outdoor recreation. That way, DST may counteract the sedentary lifestyle of modern living.
The tourism industry profits from brighter evenings. Longer evenings give people more time to go shopping, to restaurants, or to other events, boosting the local economy.
Con: Doesn’t Save Energy
A century ago, when DST was introduced, more daylight was a good thing because it meant less use of artificial light and more energy savings. Modern society, with its computers, TVs, hand-held devices, air conditioning units and other electronic gadgets use more energy, no matter if the Sun is up or not.
Pro: Less Artificial Light
One of the aims of DST is to make sure that people’s active hours coincide with daylight hours so that less artificial light is needed. This makes less sense close to the equator, where the amount of daylight does not vary much in a year, or near the poles, where the difference between winter and summer daylight hours is very large.
Con: Can Make People Sick
Changing the time, even if it is only by one hour, disrupts our body clocks or circadian rhythm. For most people, the resulting tiredness is simply an inconvenience. For some, however, the time change can have more serious consequences to their health.
Studies link the lack of sleep at the start of DST to car accidents and the early evening darkness after the end of the DST period is linked to depression.
We can argue that these are just some of the Pros and Cons. Can you think of any others? Do you agree that DST is not used in Japan?




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