


I have two kinds of books I like:
1) Adventure books
2) Bestiaries

An adventure book is a book in which your decisions directly affect the story. Think of a table top RPG but in book form, at the bottom of each page there are two decisions and each choice has a page number next to it and in order to advance the story the reader must make the correct choices to finish the book.  For example your main character could be walking down a road and then the road splits and at the bottom of the page it could say “choose left-page 5, choose right-page 26” once you choose simply turn to your page to see if you made the correct choice.

A bestiary is a book which has information on various real life or fictional animals.  The word bestiary is a fusion of the words beast and diary.  A fictional bestiary could give the reader information on monsters, ghosts, fairies, demons etc. basically anything from a myth or legend.  However a non-fiction bestiary is the opposite and gives information on real animals from the past and present, such as dinosaurs, ancient sea creatures, prehistoric animals etc. basically any animal for which there is undeniable evidence for.



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