
Hello! NOVA立川校です!


Hi there!
My name’s Alex, and I’m from Canada.

Because I’ve travelled and lived in some countries,
I understand it’s easy leaning a new language, but it can be a lot of fun.
For example, I travelled to Spain for two weeks, where I had fun and took Spanish lessons.
My Spanish improved because I was in that country.
I learned now words and remembered them because I heard them on the streets,
and I tried to use some words in a supermarket, some restaurants, and other places.

If you want to see some improvement in your English,
I suggest traveling to an English country.
You’ll hear words you’ve learned at NOVA, and you can take English classes to learn more.

I also suggest watching your favorite TV shows and movies in English, with English or Japanese subtitles.
You learn better when you watch and listen to something you love!

Good luck on your journey to better English! 🙂



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