英会話スクール・英会話教室💚South Africa the Rainbow Nation💚


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South Africa is also called the Rainbow Nation. This is because of our bright and colorful flag, but also because of the people. There are many different kinds of people from many different countries and cultures living in South Africa. There are many different African tribes in South Africa with their own unique cultures and traditions. Such as the Zulu who have many unique dances from wedding dances to even war dances. There is the Xhosa who love singing and make beautiful bead jewelry and clothes. There are also the English and Afrikaans who were originally settlers from England and The Netherlands who love to barbeque (We call it braai). There are also many Asian settlers who came as skilled workers to work in the mines and on the many farms. Especially the sugarcane and banana plantations. Altogether this creates a vibrant and colorful mix of people and cultures that makes South Africa a very interesting place to visit.

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