英会話スクール・英会話教室👻【Shane’s Top10 Horror Movies】おすすめホラームービー 第2位「The Exorcist」🎥






The Exorcist (邦題:エクソシスト)
Year of release: 1973
Director: William Friedkin

Just missing out on the top spot is what is probably out-and-out the scariest
movie on this list – William Friedkin’s 1973 horror classic The Exorcist. This
movie is just dreadfully scary. There’s no other way of putting it. It should
make any top horror movie list just for how scary it is alone. But on top of
that, The Exorcist is a masterfully directed, shot, staged and performed piece
of cinema. The movie moves at a sombre pace, and the heavy sense of
dread that permeates the film make it a fascinating yet somewhat
uncomfortable watch (there were reported adverse physical reactions during
initial screenings of the film in ’73, such as vomiting and even heart attacks!).
The acting is universally terrific within the film, especially from Ellen Burstyn
and Linda Blair who play the mother and the possessed daughter
respectively (both would ultimately be nominated for Academy Awards each).
It was the first horror film to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best
Picture and it’s place within our pop-culture, and the discourse surrounding
the film – thanks in large part to its controversial depiction of catholicism –
remain unshaken.


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