


In Japan the word “diet” is understood as meaning loosing weight. But in the western world it usually means different ways of eating or what kind of foods you eat. For example, vegetarianism – where a person doesn`t eat meat is in fact a diet.

There are many diets out there. Here are some of the more popular ones that I have also tried. I’ve included my experiences of each one.

Time restricted eating/ intermittent fasting – where a person only eats within 8 hours of a day and doesn’t consume any calories for the remaining 16 hours.

This is one that I continue to do today and it has numerous reported benefits such as reducing body fat and having a longer life. It’s surprisingly easy to do, I start eating after 12 am and finish before 8 pm.

Vegetarianism – Where a person doesn’t eat meat. Other animal products are okay, such as honey, milk and eggs.

I’m currently doing this one and one benefit I feel is an overall reduction of stress. I feel very calm and relaxed all day, which I like.

Veganism – Like vegetarianism but you can’t eat any animal products at all.

This diet is good, but it can be lacking in certain nutrients, such as vitamin b12 and calcium.

Fruitarianism – like veganism but where most of your days calories come from eating fruit.

This diet was interesting to do, I only lasted a week trying it. One thing I felt was an increased desire to sleep, probably from all the fruit sugar I was eating. It is a highly restrictive diet and can possibly be dangerous because of this.

Carnivore diet – In this diet you eat mostly meat and animal products.

This diet was very interesting to do. You have good focus and all the protein from the meat is good for people that exercising. This is a very new diet though and seeing as it can be restrictive in certain nutrients it is possibly dangerous.

Ketogenic diet – very low carbohydrates, medium and protein and high fat.

Your energy comes from the high amounts of fat you eat rather than sugar like with most diets. This diet tricks your body into thinking it’s starving to produce a special chemical in your liver that lets your body use fat for energy. Not my favorite diet as it’s difficult to find food that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates.

These were just some of the many diets in the world, ultimately humans can survive on many different foods and the traditional Japanese diet has been proven to be very healthy. Just don’t eat to much fast food.


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