英会話スクール・英会話教室【カフェで使える英会話】Marshalが選ぶおすすめカフェTOP5☕️ 第1位 カフェ亀の橋






☕️ 第1位 カフェ亀の橋
🚃 石川町駅 徒歩4分

This is my favorite cafe. It’s a small cafe in Ishikawacho that can barely fit 10 people inside. It’s very easy to miss. My first time visiting this cafe, I walked right past it without noticing it. Once you’re inside, you’ll immediately hear the jazz music that’s always playing in the cafe. You may also notice the large bookshelves full of several novels, comics, and even records. The menu is surprisingly large for such a small cafe. On the front of the menu, you can see the several different origins of coffee they serve. They offer a discount on any cups of coffee you order after the first, so you’re encouraged to try them all. This was the first time I had coffee from Kenya. They roast all of their own coffee beans, and you can taste that they are all roasted and brewed to perfection. On the other side of the menu, you can see their meal options. Their desserts are incredibly unique, including home made donuts and apple pizza. (The menu really says apple pizza! You can even have it with ice cream.) I always make sure to get their Kenyan coffee and their home made donuts. The donuts are warm, flaky, and they surprisingly taste very similar to what my mom used to bake. It’s honestly very comforting. I could spend hours here listening to jazz, drinking coffee, and eating warm donuts.

🚩「カフェで使える英会話 ⑤注文の間違いなどのトラブル対応」

・Customer: Excuse me, but I think I got the wrong order. / I’m sorry, but I think my order is wrong.
・Staff: I’m very sorry, what’s wrong?
・Customer: I ordered a hot coffee, but this is an iced coffee. / I ordered the cheesecake, but I didn’t get it. / I ordered a large cafe latte, but this is small. / I ordered a cappuccino, but this is a flat white. / I ordered a drink without ice, but this has ice.
・Staff: We’re terribly sorry, we’ll fix that right away.
・Customer: Thank you.
*note* I avoid talking about who made the mistake, such as “You forgot to give me a straw.” Such phrases are seen as too direct. I would instead say “I didn’t get a straw” or “The straw is missing.”

・お客:すみませんが、注文と違うようなのですが。/ すみません、注文と違うようなのですが。
・お客:ホットコーヒーを注文しましたが、こちらはアイスコーヒーです。/ チーズケーキを注文したのですが、出てきません。/ カフェラテのラージを注文したのですが、こちらはスモールです。/ カプチーノを注文したのに、こちらはフラットホワイトです。/ カプチーノを頼んだのですが、フラットホワイトです。
※注意※ “You forgot to give me a straw “のように、誰がミスをしたのかについて話すのは避けています。このようなフレーズは直接的すぎると思われます。代わりに、”I didn’t get a straw” や “The straw is missing” などの言い方を私はします。

“You forgot to give me a straw “は使うとかなり悪印象みたいです。日本語で置き換えれても「あなたストロー忘れてるわよ」とは言わないですもんね。ちょっとしたニュアンスの違いで相手に与える印象は大きく変わるので、レッスンで少しずつ覚えていきましょう。本日でMarshalのコーヒー特集は終了です。NOVAのマンツーマンレッスンなら、フリーカンバセーションも可能ですので、おすすめのカフェがある方、もっとおすすめを知りたいという方は、ぜひレッスンでMarshalと話してみてくださいね☕。オンラインレッスンも大歓迎です💻!

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∩ ∩
( ´ θ ` )/ 
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