英会話スクール・英会話教室【カフェで使える英会話】Marshalが選ぶおすすめカフェTOP5☕️ 第2位 みずさわ珈琲店






☕️ 第2位 みずさわ珈琲店
🚃 高津駅 徒歩4分

I’ve probably visited this cafe the most. It’s hidden in a very quiet part of town, away from shopping streets and other restaurants. The customers and owners are quite elderly, I’m always the youngest person in the cafe. It’s a very spacious cafe with signature green chairs, quiet classical music, and a gentle atmosphere. The owners are incredibly friendly as well. On my first visit, they asked me where I was from, and they even took out an old paper map so I could show them my home town! Every time I go, I’m always sure to get the house blend and their incredibly unique mont blanc. Their mont blanc is the best I’ve ever had, with coffee jelly, vanilla ice cream, and chestnut cream served in a retro glass cup and a long spoon. It’s absolutely one of my favorite cafes in Kawasaki.

🚩「カフェで使える英会話 ④食べきれなかったものを持ち帰る時の会話」
In America, it’s common and completely acceptable to take unfinished food home with you. Here are some ways to ask for that:

Customer: Excuse me, can I take this home? / Excuse me, can I get a box for this? / Sorry, can I have a box for the penne pasta? / Excuse me, can I get this to go?
Staff: Sure, we’ll bring you a box. / Sure, we’ll put that in a box for you.
Customer: Thank you.
*note* You usually can’t do this with drinks. You’d probably have to order a drink to go if you want to take it with you.

お客:すみません、これ持って帰ってもいいですか?/ すみません、これを持ち帰る箱をもらえますか?/ すみません、ペンネパスタ用に箱をもらえますか?/ すみません、これを持ち帰れますか?
店員:もちろんです、箱をお持ちします。/ もちろんです、箱にお入れしますよ。


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∩ ∩
( ´ θ ` )/ 
NOVA 川崎校
🌼 〒210-0006 神奈川県川崎市川崎区砂子1-7-1 DK.Kawasakiビル2F
🌼 フリーダイヤル:0120-324-929
🌼 NOVA川崎校:044-244-4711
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