
Hello ! NOVA松山校です🐰


By David 先生でお送りします📢




Getting back to the subject of Golden Week, I do think it was great that so many people here could finally have a vacation to let off all that steam, expecially after Covid 19 prevented us from having the kind of experiences I shared with you above.
One certainly hopes that Japanese businesses and the government will find a way to offer more flexible holiday periods so that people are able to travel at less chaotic times.
There is nothing worse than sitting on a crowded bus or train while everyone else has the same plan.
When I lived in the UK, I was able to take holiday at almost anytime with quite little notice.
While England and Japan both have their issues, on this subject I feel that England is a little ahead of the game.
There are certainly many vacation starved Americans too!

This week I have been catching up with many students on their Golden Weeks and many seemed to enjoy their time off.
If we haven’t chatted about it be sure to bring it up with me anytime in the branch and if you have had any truly memorable travel adventures, the scarier the better, let me know. I’d love to hear about them!


💛🐇 無料体験レッスン説明会承り中🐇💛


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