










 Hi everyone,

I hope you’re safe and well following the recent Typhoon. While you were staying inside, how did you spend your time? Are your hobbies things that you can do at home, or were you bored at home waiting to go outside again?

I’m from a very small island, so it’s important to people where I’m from to have a hobby or passion they can spend a lot of time doing. Jersey is a bit like “the Okinawa of Britain”, so many people spend a lot of time in the sea – surfing, swimming, etc. I used to surf all the time when I was younger, but nowadays most of my hobbies are indoors.

For you, is it more enjoyable to spend time doing something exciting outdoors like surfing, or do you prefer to spend time relaxing indoors?

I love to play guitar at home or on a stage. One of the reasons I came to Japan is that I love to listen to Japanese bands and figure out how to play the guitar parts by listening to the same song again and again! I wanted to have the chance to see those bands live and be closer to the music I like to play. If you have any recommendations of Japanese bands or guitarists, I’d love to hear them from you sometime at Nova!

Do you have a hobby or passion you want to talk to people from other countries about? I would be glad to hear about what you like to do, and help you learn useful ways to explain what your hobby is and why you like it so much.

I hope to hear from you soon!

– Saul












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