英会話スクール・英会話教室☕Marshalおすすめのレストラン② McLean Old Fashioned Diner (part 1)☕






Marshal おすすめレストラン②
☕️ McLean Old Fashioned Diner (part 1)
🚃 蔵前駅徒歩3分

It had been a long time since I’ve eaten a burger that wasn’t from a fast food chain. In my search for gigantic, greasy, authentic burgers, I found McLean. I was immediately interested in their American-sounding name, and their vintage mid 20th century inspiration for their restaurant design. The restaurant itself is actually quite modern looking, but with decoration reminiscent of old fashioned American diners, such as the type font on the menu and the shape of their milkshake glasses. They were even playing some American oldies on the restaurant speakers! We started off with ordering our drinks. Their drink menu was extensive. They had a whole page dedicated to numerous milkshakes, including some unique ones like peanut butter milkshakes and rum raisin milkshakes! Of course, I just went with the classic milkshake. We also ordered a cafe latte. The latte was expertly done and was very comforting on such a cold day. As expected, however, the milkshake was the real star of the show. It was painfully thick, and super sweet. It was really just like drinking ice cream. It had been a while since I’ve had a real milkshake, so this one put a big smile on my face. If you end up here, I think getting a milkshake is a must. Don’t worry about the calories. You know, back home, it was common to dip your french fries in your milkshake!
part 2続きます


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