英会話スクール・英会話教室☕川崎校の英語の先生Marshalおすすめの日本のカフェ ㉔Rojean (again!)☕







Marshal おすすめカフェ㉔
☕️ Rojean (again!)
🚃 池ノ上駅徒歩4分

I really enjoy going to Rojean. It’s a bit far, on the Inokashira line, but it’s definitely worth the trip. The food is really second to none, and the atmosphere is so relaxing. Every visit is a wonderful experience in my opinion. On our second visit here, the menu had changed a bit. My face lit up when I saw that they had sloppy joes on the menu! Sloppy joes are quite popular back home, they’re even served in schools during lunch. A sloppy joe is a hamburger where the beef is minced and mixed into a sauce. The meat sauce is placed onto the bun with toppings. There are many legends as to why we call it a sloppy joe. One such legend is that a cook name Joe in Iowa added tomato sauce to his loose meat sandwiches. Sloppy is another word for messy or loose, and it’s quite easy to make a mess when you’re eating a sloppy joe. Of course, the true origin of the name is lost to time. When I saw they had these burgers at the restaurant, I said out loud “Oh my god, they have sloppy joes.” When the staff heard that, they could guess I was from America. We ordered a sloppy joe, a grilled cheese sandwich with soup, and a huge sundae.


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