英会話スクール・英会話教室☕川崎校の英語の先生Marshalおすすめの日本のカフェ ⑲杖 Part 2☕






Marshal おすすめカフェ⑲
☕️ 杖 Part 2
🚃 久我山駅徒歩13分


The coffee and cake at Tsue were experiences in themselves. They had a wide range of different coffee origins, like Costa Rica and Indonesia, but what stood out on the menu was the Chinese coffee. It’s quite rare to find Chinese origin coffee beans on the menu in cafes, so I knew I had to try it. It was quite unlike any other coffee I’ve had before. My first impression was that it was very light and delicate. It really tasted more like tea than coffee. Despite how delicate it was, it was still quite complex, and didn’t have any sourness or acidity to it. The drink looked almost red in my cup compared to the regular coffee color, but that may have just been the dim lighting in the cafe. The staff brewed it quite well, much better than anything I could hope to do. It was quite relaxing, but next time I’ll probably just go with the Indonesia honestly. Along with the coffee, we were served immaculate looking cake as well. We went for the cheesecake (of course) and the chocolate cake. They arrived on plates that looked like they belonged in a modern art museum. They were quite far off from traditional plates, as one even looked like just a flat piece of metal that you could eat off of. I wanted to ask the staff if the plates were hand-made just like the furniture, but the silence of the cafe dissuaded me. The presentation was quite impressive. Of course, the cheesecake tasted amazing. It had a delicate flavor much like the coffee I had. I easily could have eaten 10 more. The real surprise was the chocolate cake. To be honest, I’m rarely impressed when it comes to chocolate cake. I get the feeling that most of them taste quite similar. However, the chocolate cake at Tsue was the exception. For once in my life, I actually preferred the chocolate cake to the cheesecake at a cafe. That should let you know how good their chocolate cake was. I recommend you try it yourself!


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