




My first impression of the phrase “Lifetime Student” sounds foolish.

It brings to mind two possible sources. The first is someone who is stuck in the basics of learning how to learn. The second is a quasi-psychological human resources phrase that began appearing in team building conferences and is spoken like some keyword with unrealistic weight.


To always learn is a good thing. While the phrase “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” may very well be true, we aren’t dogs. There is no other creature on earth that conceives abstract ideas or contemplates paradoxes, dichotomies and a world that doesn’t exist. That is a mind that was built for learning and the challenges that exist outside of our present understanding. I think we are explorers in every aspect you can see; we are unsatisfied with the present because we have the deep feeling it should be better. When we do feel finished, that life is complete, that the fight is over, our life reflects that and we wither away in retirement. Let’s not do that – let’s keep learning.


We have the mind for that adventure as well as we are built to consume, compute, analyze, and synthesize uncountable amounts of information in various forms. I am convinced we should always be learning, seeking better ways to do things, and seeking methods to help ourselves, those dear to us, and society. That requires a mindset of learning and a student’s drive not to pass a test but to accomplish that which we could not do before. What do you think?






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