英会話スクール・英会話教室👻【Shane’s Top10 Horror Movies】おすすめホラームービー 第4位「A Nightmare on Elm Street」🎥






A Nightmare on Elm Street (邦題:エルム街の悪夢)
Year of release: 1984
Director: Wes Craven

We’ve now reached the true classics of Halloween movie marathons; the
undisputed kings of October 31st night-ins. The late Wes Craven is a true
horror legend, and A Nightmare on Elm Street is still his masterpiece for
many. He perfected the teen-slasher with this movie, and the modern slasher
movie owes a lot to what Craven did here. Not only is the movie a roller
coaster ride that is deliriously entertaining and wildly imaginative, it also
delivers the scares with a hefty amount of gore while also sneaking in some
clever allegories on teenage promiscuity. Elm Street is a strange movie, but
the weirdness does work in its favour; for large parts, it does give off the vibe
of a fever dream. The excellent cast – mostly comprised of younger actors
(including a young Johnny Depp in his feature film debut) – are just the right
amount of serious and silly to match the movie’s bizarre tone. You can enjoy
it as a fun John Hughes-esque 80s high-school movie, but also, for those
horror lovers out there, Elm Street still delivers the scares – and its scariest
(and bloodiest) moments are not easily forgotten!


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