英会話スクール・英会話教室👻【Shane’s Top10 Horror Movies】おすすめホラームービー 第3位「Scream」🎥






Scream (邦題:スクリーム)
Year of release: 1996
Director: Wes Craven

Over a decade after he perfected the teen slasher with A Nightmare on Elm
Street, Wes Craven again returned to the genre in 1996 and gave it another
masterpiece – Scream. But whereas Elm Street was a slasher that set, or
reinstated, the framework for what to expect in a teen slasher, Scream took it
apart, or, more accurately, pointed at the framework and made fun of it. It
was self-referential in a time before meta-humour became popular. And it
was all the more ironic since Wes Craven, a man who helped build those
cliches, was the one to shake them up. Craven worked here from a script
written by Kevin Williamson (famed for writing teen-oriented drama series’
such as Dawson’s Creek or The Vampire Diaries), and created what is now
considered the quintessential teen slasher. It’s very funny, very clever and
very bloody, and it features a well-rounded cast (again of mostly younger
actors) who have great chemistry together. It isn’t as weird as Elm Street,
and the violent scenes, where the young cast members inevitably get killed
off one by one, aren’t as inventive as Craven’s 1984 masterpiece, but that’s
because Scream does focus more on the characters and it allows time for
the story to breath more, which is why I’m placing it ahead of Elm Street. It’s
a more focused film, with a stronger sense of character and a witty script
from Kevin Williamson…. though it does threaten to become too infatuated
with its own meta-humour at times, Craven does manage to keep it in line.



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