













Halloween time in America is a pretty fun time for most of us as kids. It’s a time when we know we will be getting a TON of free candy, but also a time when we get to dress up as our favorite cartoon or comic book character, profession or as something really scary.

Once we see Halloween decoration up at stores or start making them at school, we know its time to start thinking about what we want to be for Halloween and that’s when we ask our parents. Now it depends on some families if our parents are really good at crafts and help us make our own costumes, or if not, where we will go to look for a ready made costume at a few different stores. We have a general Halloween store called Spirit Halloween where they sell nothing but Halloween decorations and costumes for all ages, and its HUGE! There are a few other stores that sell costumes but none are as good as the ones at Spirit.

Then we start to figure out our friends plans. Will they be going house to house with their parents, families or can they go with just their friends? If we are going with just our friends then our group of friends will try to plan out the time we want to start trick-or-treating and then plan a route and different areas where we can go to make the most of getting free candy from the houses we go to.

Trick-or-treating usually starts at 6pm and sometimes can last up to 9-10pm depending on the area. That’s 3-4 hours of walking house to house, ringing on doorbells and knocking on doors. With that much time and that many houses along the way, you are going to need a big bucket or, what we would use, bags to put all that candy in. Usually kids that go out with their parents are stuck with just bringing a small pumpkin bucket or small bag and usually you are out for an hour to two hours. Not much candy in that… For those going with friends, usually the more seasoned trick-or-treaters  know you don’t bring a bag. If the bag isn’t strong enough and you fill it too much it can rip, and that’s when you have to think outside the box to make the most out of your night out and bring a big pillow case! They are bigger than most kids candy bags and have better durability. We tend to bring two just in case we fill the first one early.

As we are going hour to house we are looking at all the houses outside decorations, seeing the different cool costumes, and also going through our candy trying to do trades, where we find our least favorite type of candy and trying to trade it to our friends for better candy. By the end of the night we usually have two big pillow cases full of candy and that’s when we start dividing the candy up by types and then by our favorites. Usually the least favorites get ate first, OR, we try to trade it off to someone for better candy, and then the candy we think are our favorites, we set aside and put in a different bag and try to hide it so none of the other family can eat it.

After, we go into a 2-4 week candy bender, either we have some candy in our school bag or inside our pockets, and sometimes a bit of both.

Its a time to be scared, its a time to dress up, its a time to see cool costumes and decorations and its a time to get new cavities and make visits to the dentist!










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