
Hello, everyone🥰








Hi everyone!


I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the sunshine and slightly warmer weather now that March has arrived!

March is a very busy month for me. First, there was Pancake Day (also known as “Shrove Tuesday”) which was on the 1st of March. Pancake Day is a British holiday on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday (40 days before Easter Day). On Pancake Day British people make crepe style thin pancakes and traditionally eat them with lemon and sugar. However, recently people have started having strawberries and cream, or chocolate and banana, as well. Have you ever tried a British pancake? They’re very simple to make. Everyone loves them!

Also this month is my wife’s birthday, White Day, my wedding anniversary, my dad’s birthday and British Mother’s Day!! I think I’m going to be very poor.. Did you know that White Day is only in Japan? Do you do anything special for it? What’s the best White Day you’ve ever had? Also, did you know that Mother’s Day is on a different day in The UK than Japan and The US?

Do you have any plans for this month? Is there anything that you enjoy doing in this season? Why or why not?

I hope you all have a great month and remember to keep studying English! We will change to the Spring textbook in April. I also hope you have been enjoying the Intensive Focus course. A lot of students have told me it’s really fun!


See you soon!










NOVA 長崎駅前校(長崎県)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>