英会話スクール・英会話教室🐦connected speech🐦


本日はイギリス出身Joe先生connected speechについて説明してくれました🌼

Connected speech in natural spoken English

A common problem even the most advanced learners of English as a second language encounter is difficulty understanding native speakers who speak very quickly. It is likely that when travelling to an English-speaking country, or watching movies and television, students will hear English at a speed much faster than how they were taught. Even in formal situations, most natural spoken English will feature a variety of examples of connected speech, which includes omitting certain vowel sounds, bridging words together, or changing certain syllables completely. A good and common example of this to consider is the following two sentences, and just how many ways they can be spoken by a native English speaker:

First, without any connected speech:

“I am going to go to the shop. Do you want anything?”

Next, with the most basic and common uses of connected speech:

“I’m gonna go to the shop. D’ya want anything?”

A little more:

“I’muna go t’da shop. Jya wan’ anyfing?”

And a much more extreme (but still very common!) example:

Ima go shop, yawanannyfing?”

Difficult, isn’t it! Being able to comprehend connected speech and abbreviated forms of words is one of the hardest hurdles to overcome when learning a second language. And especially English with its many accents and dialects. It takes time so try to be patient and not to worry too much about it. You’ll get there! Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for examples of how some sentences and phrases you learn can sound like with more connected speech at a natural speed.

NiziUが好きな2人なのでTake a picturのポーズ📸(笑)


Joeが言っているようにDon’t hesitate to ask your teacherですよ!
是非池袋西口校でJoe先生connected speechを聞いてみてください😄

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