

Hello everyone!

My name is Thomas James and I am lucky to be working at the Nishinomiya Kitaguchi school in Hyogo. This area is considered
to be the center of learning
with many schools and universities close by. There is also a huge and luxurious shopping centre called Nishinomiya Gardens close to NOVA.

Spring has come and the cherry blossoms are flowering. Spring is also the time to make a new start in our lives. If you have dreamed of speaking English at work or on vacation or you have wanted to understand English songs and movies, now is the time for you to start.

NOVA wants to help you realise your dreams. NOVA can help you to improve your English ability, not just with conversation, but with grammar too! NOVA also teaches Business English, TOEIC and TOEFL, Eiken and also English for kids. As you can see, NOVA offers something for everyone.

So now is the time, for you to take the first step and come to NOVA. If you are an existing student, now is the time to look at our special courses like the 119 Rescue Course. Either way, you will find something here at NOVA that will help you to improve your English and make your dream a reality. See you soon!

Vocabulary Bank:

luxurious – 豪華な

considered – 考えられている

center of learning – 学習の中心

realise your dream – 夢を実現

take the first step – 最初の一歩を踏み出す

existing student – 既存の生徒様

make your dream a reality – 夢を現実にする

Let’s start with us!!



NOVA 西宮北口校(兵庫県)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>