英会話スクール・英会話教室☕川崎校の英語の先生Marshalおすすめの日本のカフェ ㉗Cafe Mardi☕






Marshal おすすめカフェ㉗
☕️ Cafe Mardi
🚃 池ノ上駅徒歩3分

It was much more spacious than I thought inside this cafe. There were smoking and non smoking sections, but there wasn’t any smoke when I was there. Also, computers were not allowed! That might have been the first time I’ve seen something like that. Walking straight forward from the entrance, I was surprised to see that there was a ticket machine that we can use to order. As you may already know, I truly prefer ordering with touch panels rather than speaking with someone, so I was happy to use this Showa touch panel. Sadly, after handling my taxes that day, my wallet was looking pretty slim. I only had 300 yen, just enough for a hot coffee at Kaban. Now honestly, I was a bit disappointed to see that the coffee comes straight from a machine. But, for 300 yen, I shouldn’t really complain either. To make up for the average taste, the coffee was served in an adorable pink floral cup with a matching floral saucer. This was all placed on a small matching tray. It was extremely cute and even a bit nostalgic, which made the experience special. I sat down by one of the large windows and enjoyed my view of the people passing in the hallway. I was a bit afraid to lean back in my chair though, the furniture seemed so old that it might break completely if I put my full weight on it. All in all, it was a very charming place. I’d like to try their dessert options next time, like the pudding pancakes. What a lucky find! I definitely recommend this place if you’re looking for a retro cafe in Sakuragicho.


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NOVA 川崎校
🌼 〒210-0006 神奈川県川崎市川崎区砂子1-7-1 DK.Kawasakiビル2F
🌼 フリーダイヤル:0120-324-929
🌼 NOVA川崎校:044-244-4711
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