Hello my name is Jessica!
I’m from New Zealand. In New Zealand it is the opposite season to Japan. For example, now it is summer in Japan and it is winter in New Zealand. It can get pretty cold in New Zealand winter. My favorite part of winter in New Zealand is the morning frost when the grass is frozen and makes a crunching sound when you walk on it. I also enjoy seeing my breath in the cold weather, but I can see that in Japan too! In my hometown we also get a lot of fog, which is not fun to drive in because you can’t see in front of you. Please be careful when driving in fog.
Summer in New Zealand is very dry. The grass turns brown if it doesn’t get any water but it’s not too hot. It is rarely humid like it can be in Japanese summer. I like to relax under a tree in the shade in summer because it is very cool there. The beaches are very nice to go to in the summer but make sure to wear sunscreen because you will get burnt! We have many barbeques too (but we like barbecues in any season). Also we have a summer Christmas with a surfing Santa Claus. It is always funny to see.
Spring is colorful like in Japan, cherry blossoms are a little rare to see in New Zealand but you can find them if you try. I like to eat many fruits and vegetables during this time. My family grows their own vegetable and we have many fruit trees as well. Home grown food has the best flavor in my opinion!
Autumn is very orange and yellow. There are trees everywhere and it is a big harvest season. This is the best time to eat a fruit called Fejoa, it is a little sour but very delicious!
If you’d like to visit New Zealand in the future, any time is good because there are many things to see and do in any season!!
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火・水・木・金 12:30-21:30
土 9:00-18:00
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