英会話スクール・英会話教室☕Marshalおすすめのレストラン ⑧ 三崎市場 part 1☕






Marshal おすすめレストラン⑧
☕️ Misaki Fish Market(三崎市場) part 1
🚃 川崎駅徒歩5分

It seems that I’ve run out of new cafes to talk about at the moment, so I’d like to write a little about some restaurants too, if that’s okay. Typically, it’s a bit rare for me to go out to a restaurant by myself. However, if I have a break at work, going to a nice little restaurant makes my day a little more fun. Since I have a limited amount of time for my break, I’ll usually go to a quick and casual place. Recently, I went to Misaki Fish Market in Kawasaki. From the outside, it looks like a simple and straightforward seafood bowl restaurant. Simple and straightforward is exactly what I like the most! I’ve told a lot of students that gyudon is my favorite food in Japan. Maybe unsurprisingly, kaisendon is my second favorite! It seems that I enjoy any kind of meat on rice. At the restaurant, you can place your order from the ticket machine outside. I ordered the salmon bowl for 700 yen. Once you get your ticket, you can walk inside and sit down until your number is called. Then you can get your food from the counter and hand the owner your ticket. Actually, I had an embarrassing experience there on my first visit. I brought my ticket and just waited awkwardly at the counter. I was used to giving the staff the meal ticket first, and then sitting down. Don’t do that here.

part 2へ続きます


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NOVA 川崎校
🌼 〒210-0006 神奈川県川崎市川崎区砂子1-7-1 DK.Kawasakiビル2F
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🌼 NOVA川崎校:044-244-4711
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