英会話スクール・英会話教室☕Marshalおすすめのレストラン⑤ 挽肉屋 神徳(part 2)☕






Marshal おすすめレストラン⑤
☕️ Hikinikuya Jintoku (part 2)
🚃 東銀座駅徒歩2分

part 1をまだご覧になってない方は👉こちらから

Truth be told, I’m not a hamburg expert at all. I’m not sure what makes a hamburg restaurant fantastic or just okay. In my limited experience, I think my time at this restaurant was just okay. The meat was actually a bit on the small side. It didn’t taste bad at all, but there wasn’t anything very special about it either. Sadly, there’s not much to say here. I definitely enjoyed the interior decoration and the company I was with more than the actual food. Still, a large bowl of rice and meat is never a bad thing, and I left quite satisfied. I’m not complaining, but I might not go back.


🌼 無料体験のご予約はこちら👇から


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( ´ θ ` )/ 
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