





For Father’s Day, I usually helped my mom make my dad breakfast-in-bed. I have always been a terrible cook, so I never was much help, but I still did what I could and carried the food up to my parents’ room in the morning with my card and present. A couple times I made my dad a coupon book. It usually had simple things like “One Free Hug” or a ticket for a Daddy-Daughter Day. I would spend quite a bit of time drawing and decorating these coupons. In English, we have a popular saying for gifts we are worried might be lackluster: “It’s the thought that counts.” This means that the fact that you remembered the other person and thought to give them something is all that really matters. I think this was pretty true for my coupon book gifts. My dad almost never used the coupons. Instead, he still has them stored away somewhere safe. I think the handmade coupons themselves were a more valuable gift than the free hug he could have anytime anyway.


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