英会話スクール・英会話教室【NOVA金剛校】講師紹介第五弾!Dylan from Australia🦘💜

Hello! 英会話NOVA金剛校です🐰


Hello everyone my name is Dylan.

My hometown is Perth in Western Australia.

I moved to Japan this Summer, and have backpacked here twice before as a tourist.
I’ve visited all four islands and about 10 prefectures in Japan.
I’ve lost track of how many mountains I’ve hiked here!

I studied Japanese for two years in junior high school.
I love Japanese culture and lifestyle, and I wanted to build my teaching skills and experience while becoming fluent in Japanese.

In Australia I was an engineer before working in the startup and sustainability sector.

I have many hobbies and interests!
I love cooking, hiking, running and cycling.
One of my favorite things to do is host dinner parties with friends over a nice bottle of wine.

Image: A photo of me hiking a waterfall in Cairns, far north Queensland, Australia.

What was your childhood dream?

I have always been interested in and passionate about the natural environment and anthropology.
I graduated from primary school wanting to become a solar energy engineer.

I went on to study civil and environmental engineering and worked in the sustainability and startup sector in Australia before becoming a teacher.

My dreams now have changed significantly, I am enjoying mastering a new profession and living moment to moment in Japan.
I’m so grateful for my new life here.

What are some things you would like to try in the future?

I would like to try many things in Japan.
I am planning to do a multi-day hike of the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage trails soon!
I love hiking in Japan when I am not teaching.

In Australia I did stand up comedy for about a year, so I would like to do this in Osaka soon, and hopefully one day when my Japanese gets better I can do some comedy in Japanese.
I chose Osaka because it is the humor capital of Japan!

Thank you to everyone who has warmly welcomed me at Kongo School in my first few weeks of teaching. I’m having so much fun, I hope you are too! I’m looking forward to helping you wherever I can as you learn English. Please say hi, let’s chat and learn together whenever you’re at NOVA.






南海高野線 金剛駅西口より🚶徒歩2分🚶

月-水 12:30-21:30
土日祝 9:00-18:00(木・金除く)
木・金 休校日



NOVA 金剛校(大阪府)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>