英会話スクール・英会話教室【NOVA金剛校】講師紹介第四弾!Nathaniel from the United Kingdom🐏💛

Hello! 英会話NOVA金剛校です🐰


Hello everyone my name is Nathaniel but you can call me Nate!
My hometown is Rugby in England.
I have lived in Japan for almost two years.
I first became interested in Japan when I heard some of the amazing music when I was a child.
I then started thinking about moving to Japan when I got my grade 8 in playing bass guitar, I really wanted to play music with other musicians in Japan.
A few years later I went on vacation to Japan, exploring Osaka, Tokyo, Kyoto, Hida Takayama and Hiroshima.
After visiting all of those amazing places, eating the delicious food and speaking to the friendly locals, I decided I was going to go to university to get my degree and live and work in Japan.

What was your childhood dream?

When I was a child I wanted to be an animator because I loved watching cartoons and animated movies, for example `Wallace and Gromit` which is a famous animation from the UK where they use clay and plasticine instead of drawing to make the characters move.

What are some things you would like to try in the future?

There are lots of things I would like to try for example I would like to try relaxing on a beach in Kagoshima where you are buried in the sand next to an active volcano.
I would also like to try scuba diving in Okinawa, but unfortunately I cannot swim!

It`s great to meet all of you, I hope I get the chance to teach you as well! Let`s learn lots of English and have fun!





南海高野線 金剛駅西口より🚶徒歩2分🚶

月-水 12:30-21:30
土日祝 9:00-18:00(木・金除く)
木・金 休校日



NOVA 金剛校(大阪府)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>