英会話スクール・英会話教室💐Patchの日本での思い出④ Time Off💐






Time Off

While we do have some chain 2nd hand stores and vintage stores in America, (Goodwill is probably the only famous one) they really are nothing compared to Japan. I have probably spent the equivalent of days in Book Off alone (not even counting Hard Off or Hobby Off or the other novelty stores). Like most people, besides my main hobbies I have various and sometimes random interests. In my childhood I was so obsessed with my DS that I was practically glued to it. It’s pretty difficult and expensive to buy old tech stuff in America and we don’t have nearly as many camera and tech stores as Japan does. Of course here, buying old tech is not just convenient it’s cheap and easy to find too.


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NOVA 川崎校
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🌼 NOVA川崎校:044-244-4711
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