英会話スクール・英会話教室💐Patchの日本での思い出③ A Walk in the Park💐






A Walk in the Park

I didn’t visit parks much in my hometown, mostly because I didn’t see the need to. Of course there’s a lot more countryside around Philadelphia than there is here in Tokyo and even in Kanto in general. Living in the biggest city in the world sometimes makes me miss the wide green spaces around my hometown, so its been amazing to discover all the great parks here. From the super famous one like Inokoshira Park, Miyashita Park, Ueno Park, and Mejijingu shrine, to some local ones like Taikaido park and Komaba park, I have been blessed with amazing places to read, relax in the sunshine, or just enjoy a quick walk. Of course a lot of my very strong memories were about experiencing Sakura season for the first time. But to be honest, I’m going to miss the more mundane quiet times, (and not so quiet in Miyashita’s case, although the trains are peaceful in their own way) that I got to spend enjoying nature here in Tokyo.


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