英会話スクール・英会話教室☕Marshalおすすめのレストラン ⑪ Penny’s Diner part 2☕






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Marshal おすすめレストラン⑪
☕️ Penny’s Diner part 2
🚃 日本大通駅徒歩6分

Choosing what to eat here was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. The menu is extensive, with options such as chili cheese burgers, locomoco burgers, fish burgers, Mexican burgers, Western burgers, and even fish burgers and more. And that was just the burgers! They also have buffalo wings, cheese fries, cheesey cheese fries, chili cheese fries, mexican fries, garlic shrimp fries, and even more. And after that, you can choose your milkshake too! They had Cheesecake blueberry cream cheese shakes, snickers shakes, oreo shakes, and others too. Everything sounded so amazing that I had to take a few minutes to decide what I wanted. After a significant amount of internal struggle, I finally decided on the locomoco burger, cheese fries, and a Coke. It was perfect. I made a huge mess while I was eating all of this. That’s how you know it’s a good burger. I don’t have the words to do the burger justice. My only regret is that I haven’t tried their milkshakes yet. I really recommend this place if you’re in the mood for some good burgers, good fries, and a good shake.


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