英会話スクール・英会話教室☕Marshalおすすめのレストラン ⑨ 三崎市場 part 2☕






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Marshal おすすめレストラン⑨
☕️ Misaki Fish Market(三崎市場) part 2
🚃 川崎駅徒歩5分

When I finally got to sit down with my food, I noticed that the restaurant was silent. There was no music playing, and none of the customers were talking. You might not agree with me, but I actually prefer a silent restaurant. It allows me to relax and just focus on my food. All the seats are counter seats as well, so this place is perfect for someone who wants to eat alone. I was honestly surprised how comfortable this restaurant was. There was no small talk with the owner, no music constantly playing, no conversations from the customers, everything was clean, you can serve yourself for water, and you can return your tray at a separate counter. For someone shy like me, I was able to completely relax here. Of course, the food was delicious too. For the price, I was impressed with the size of the salmon pieces and the generous amount of rice in the bowl. I thought it was exactly what I wanted. In my opinion, a simple restaurant, with simple food and atmosphere, can’t be beat. 


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NOVA 川崎校
🌼 〒210-0006 神奈川県川崎市川崎区砂子1-7-1 DK.Kawasakiビル2F
🌼 フリーダイヤル:0120-324-929
🌼 NOVA川崎校:044-244-4711
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