英会話スクール・英会話教室☕Marshalおすすめのレストラン⑥ Shamaim (part 1)☕






Marshal おすすめレストラン⑥
☕️ Shamaim (part 1)
🚃 江古田駅徒歩2分

Shamaim is actually more of a restaurant than a cafe, but they still have extremely unique  options if you’re looking for a hot drink. Shamaim is an Israeli restaurant located 2 minutes away from Ekoda station. We went there on Coming of Age day so the area around Ekoda station was packed with kids. I say kids because even though they’re 20 years old, they were still acting like children. Anyway, at Shamaim, their menu was huge, with options like falafel, shakshuka, kebab, hummus, and several salads. For our meal, we ordered the falafel set and the shakshuka set. It was my very first time having shakshuka, but I was still very impressed. It was a bright red dish with eggs, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and various spices. Be warned, the portions are absolutely massive. Our meals came with several salads, numerous sauces, and several slices of pita bread to make sandwiches with. We were both totally satisfied with all the food we ate, and the staff seemed slightly impressed that we were able to actually finish everything. We looked over at the other tables and noticed that no other customers were able to finish all the food they were served.

part 2へ続きます


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