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👩🚒👨⚕️【コース一覧】👩⚕️👨🚒 🚨初級 A セット・・・ 知っていると、ここまで語れる!基礎文法 🚨初級 B セット・・・ 正しく伝える!時制の使い分け 🚨中級 A セット・・・ 会話をもっと盛り上げる!過去の出来事の伝え方 🚨中級 B セット・・・ ここで差がつく!日本人が間違えやすい英文法 🚨上級 A セット・・・ これであなたも上級者!TPO に合わせて使い分ける英文法 🚨上級 B セット・・・ 目指せネイティブ!文法マスター
①How do you pronounce this? (これはどう発音しますか?)
使える表現です。 《類似表現》
Could you tell me how to pronounce this?
②I have a question. (質問があります。)
先生が答えてくれたらThank you.も忘れずに😉 《類似表現》
May I ask a question? (質問してもいいですか?)
③What does flood mean? (floodはどういう意味ですか?)
💡What does【意味を知りたい単語など】mean?
このように聞くと説明してもらえます。 《関連表現》 Is it a kind of +【カテゴリーなど】
Is it a kind of animal?(動物の一種ですか?)
Personally, I can understand the sentiment behind the backing of music streaming services such as Spotify. The quality of the music itself isn’t diminished nor does it hinder the experience of consuming the art itself. Those in the music industry itself also advocate music streaming. Going to a concert is a different kettle of fish, however. One that is unique to music, and one that cinema does not have an equivalent to. Music can be, and is, disseminated in different ways – as a studio recording, and played live to an audience. Movies cannot be distributed in different ways. That is, the finished product – the art itself – does not take different forms. A movie is shot and edited and presented to an audience – the way we choose to present it does vary and has varied greatly over the course of cinemas 100 year – or so – history. And I’m not talking about different edits. I’m talking about the movie-going experience.
My name is Jonathan❗ Age 23✨ I’m from Virginia in the USA🌎 I came to Japan to live and learn about the calture😄 I enjoy playing video games and board games🎈