Hello everyone✨✨
Hey everyone! In Japan, the idea of Mister (Mr.), Miss (Ms.), and Missus (Mrs.) is not present. However, in English and other Western languages, this is an important concept. These are normally used in emails and business/formal settings.
I will break it down for you simply:
The family name always comes after Mr., Ms., and Mrs.. For example, John Smith would be Mr. Smith.
Men are always referred to as Mister (Mr.). For example, John Smith would be called Mr. Smith. Whether they are married or not does not matter.
Women are referred to as either Miss (Ms.) or Missus (Mrs.), depending if they are married or not.
- Ms. is used for an unmarried woman. For example, if Jane Dover is not married, she would be called Ms. Dover.
Pronunciation of Ms.: MISS - Mrs. is used for a married woman. For example, if Jane Dover is married, she would be called Mrs. Dover.
Pronunciation of Mrs.: MISSUS
You might ask, what if we do not know if a woman is married? What do we call her?
In this situation, you always assume she is single and refer to her as Ms. If she mentions she is married, then you can call her Mrs.
You might also ask, do we ever call them by their first names?
In this situation, the person will tell you to refer to them by their first name. But if they don’t, you continue to call them Mr./Ms./Mrs.
For example:
A: Hello Mr. Smith! How are you?
B: I’m good. Please, you can call me John.
A: Okay John, got it!
Unless you are introduced by the person with their first name, it is always preferable to refer to them by Mr./Ms./Mrs. and their last name.
For example:
A: Hey, my name is John.
B: Nice to meet you John, my name is Daniel.
In this situation, it is completely fine to call them by their first name.
I hope this quick guide makes sense to you. If you have any questions, please let me know!
私も海外に留学していた時に、もしかしたらファーストネームで呼んでしまっていたかもしれないなと今更ながら反省したりしました( ;一一)
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