英会話スクール・英会話教室☕川崎校の英語の先生Marshalおすすめの日本のカフェ ㉓World Breakfast Allday (again!) Part2☕






Marshal おすすめカフェ㉓
☕️ World Breakfast Allday
🚃 外苑前駅、銀座駅、吉祥寺駅

なんと「World Breakfast Allday」は3回目の登場です。以前に2回Marshalのブログで取り上げていますので、合わせてみてみてくださいね!

World Breakfast Allday①
World Breakfast Allday②


I absolutely adored the big Polish breakfast. We were served a colorful plate of food. This included apple pancakes (racuszki), cheese toast (twarog), a potato pancake (placki ziemniaczane), scrambled eggs and tomato, and sliced sausage. The apple pancakes were slightly crispy on the outside, and soft on the inside. The light, sweet apple flavor actually brought a smile to my face. I don’t really enjoy apple fillings in pastries, but despite that I really did enjoy these pancakes. I finished the potato pancake in one bite, since I was very hungry at that moment. It had a savory taste that made me want to order seconds. The cheese toast had a thick creamy taste that was quite filling. Personally, I really enjoyed the eggs and sausage together, as the flavors complemented each other perfectly. On the side we had also ordered a bowl of zurek, a substantial soup with boiled eggs, bacon, and potato. It was a hearty soup, the likes of which I hadn’t had in a long time. It was finished in an instant. We ended the feast with dessert, a Polish apple pie (szarlotka) with a side of vanilla ice cream. I was surprised to see how prevalent apples were in all these baked menu items. I’ve never been exposed to Polish food before, but I can safely say that I’ve had a fantastic first experience here. I’ll be going back soon for more.


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