英会話スクール・英会話教室☕川崎校の英語の先生Marshalおすすめの日本のカフェ ㉒World Breakfast Allday (again!) Part1☕






Marshal おすすめカフェ㉒
☕️ World Breakfast Allday
🚃 外苑前駅、銀座駅、吉祥寺駅

なんと「World Breakfast Allday」は3回目の登場です。以前に2回Marshalのブログで取り上げていますので、合わせてみてみてくださいね!

World Breakfast Allday①
World Breakfast Allday②


We really enjoy coming to World Breakfast, and they just introduced their new Polish breakfast. Of course we had to give it a try. When they say Allday in their name, they really mean it. They serve breakfast food well into the evening. It’s never too crowded either, so it’s always a pleasant experience coming here. We started by looking at the drink menu. The weather was quite cold that day, so I was in the mood for something warm to drink. I ordered the Polish grain coffee. This is a caffeine-free coffee substitute made from rye, barley, chicory, and sugar beet. I actually enjoyed the taste much more than the chicory coffee I had here last time. It had a smokey flavor which reminded me a bit of very dark roast coffee; it was quite relaxing. We also ordered the herbata, a dried fruit tea which can be served hot or cold. It actually had fruit floating in it! It was slightly sweet and very comforting in this cold weather.



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