




Fifi’s Thrifting Diary
Have you heard of the rise of thrifting culture in Japan? It’s especially becoming popular among the fashion girlies! Shops like 2nd Street and Book-off Bazaar have been the main attraction since the lift of the COVID travel ban. These two are actually my go-to however, I’m actually hoping to discover more shops that offer authentic vintage pieces.
I love fashion, no I’m actually obsessed! I use my days off to find new shops and new fashion pieces. I wear these to dinner parties or when I go cafe hopping with friends but, what I love the most is styling them in my room and taking thousands of pictures.
I’ve visited the Book-off Bazaar in Ofuna, Kawasaki and, Osaka so far I’ve collected some items which I’m proud to say have made my outings a little bit more fun. They are very affordable and, cute; not to mention how expensive they actually are if you buy them from the original store.
I will be visiting one of the biggest shops in Kawasaki; which was suggested by the Nova staff and, I will keep you updated.
Till next time!
From your sustainable shopper

thriftingと、fashion girliesと言う単語はご存じですか?

・fashion girlies:ファッション好きの女子たち

🌼 無料体験のご予約はこちら👇から


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