






【Let’s talk about hometowns!】 異文化比較:ホームタウンについて語ろう!


講師のホームタタウンのリヴァプール(Liverpoolラグビー (Rugby)について初めて知った事や、そうだったのか!と新発見👀なイベントだったとお声を頂きました。

ラグビー (Rugby)は名前の通りラグビーの発祥地として有名な都市との事で知らない事もありビックリ&勉強になりましたね👀✨



Hello everyone!

This week we had an event lesson in the Izumiotsu School! This is the first time in a while that the Izumiotsu school has had an event lesson but it was a huge success! Many people were interested in taking the lesson and it quickly became fully booked!

The topic of the event lesson was hometowns. Students had the opportunity to learn how to talk about their hometowns and ask questions about other people’s hometown, including myself who is from Liverpool, the home of the Beatles, and Nathaniel who is from Rugby which is where the sport originated from.    

The first 40 minute period, which was conducted by myself, was a discussion. In teams, students discussed “what is the best and most interesting question to ask people about their hometown?”. Team “High school student” came up with the question “what is a good souvenir from your hometown?”. Team “Adult” voted this as their favourite question. I also think that this is a great question to ask! Well done team “high school student”!

The second 40 minute period was conducted by Nathaniel, during this time the students played various games, such as guessing games, In English of course. Although I didn’t conducted this part, I could hear a lot of laughing coming from the classroom, so I could tell the students enjoyed it. Even Nathaniel himself told me after the event that it was “such a laugh”, which is British English for “very funny and enjoyable”.

If you missed out on this event, you’re in luck! Izumiotsu will have another event in February! February’s event is all about pronunciation and will be taught in a similar style. English pronunciation can be very difficult for Japanese people so this is the perfect event for many people.

I hope to see you there!













それでは次回の更新まで・・・hava a good one!!






英会話教室をお探しなら、英会話スクール NOVA 泉大津校▲▽



●NOVA フリーダイヤル:0120-324929
●NOVA 泉大津校:0725-32-1970



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