




The next few days were spent going around some of the more famous and lively areas in Tokyo. Although it wasn’t his first visit, my brother still enjoyed seeing places like Tokyo Skytree, Shibuya Scramble and Asakusa again. My idea of a good time would be spent in a pub (izakaya) or beer garden, soaking in the atmosphere while chatting to some friends or family members over a few beers. But, recently my brother refrains from drinking – he also is not a fan of shopping at all – so a lot of walking, photo taking, and eating is what our time in Tokyo consisted of. It was great for me to see some of these places that I hadn’t seen in a long time and I had great fun introducing my brother to some of my favorite Japanese dishes and restaurants – such as Chicken Ramen in Roppongi, Gyukatsu in Akihabara and Nagano style Soba with walnut dipping sauce in Omotesando.



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