Hello ! NOVA松山校です
My final “special” plan is to go see some Muay Thai in the most famous fighting area in Bangkok.
Rajadamnern Stadium offers nightly fights with free flowing beer and a DJ to fill in between the bouts.
For those of you unfamiliar with Muay Thai, it is the national martial arts style of Thailand involving the use of hard kicks and elbows.
Similar to kickboxing, a large number of fights finish in knockouts due to the severe blows that each fighter takes.
This will be my first time to see the sport and as my stepfather is a fan of boxing and sport in general it will be a surprise night out for him.
Please keep my secret to yourself! I first became interested in Muay Thai through my love of movies.
Tony Jaa, a Thai action star, first hit the movie scene with “Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior”, about a villager whos elephant is stolen.
To retrieve the animal he enters the Thai underworld to dispatch an evil gang with his superior Muay Thai skills.
The film is both brutal and extremely entertaining and set Jaa up to be a modern aged Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan.
He has gone on to make sequels to Ong-Bak and some other fun martial arts movies including several forays into more big budget Hollywood fare such as The Expendables and The Fast and The Furious.
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