英会話スクール・英会話教室☕Marshalおすすめの日本のカフェ ⑧無垢☕






Marshal おすすめカフェ⑧
☕️ 無垢
🚃 野方駅徒歩2分

This cafe is a hidden gem on the Seibu Shinjuku line. The rapid train doesn’t stop at Nogata station, so I feel like this place is a bit of a secret. This cafe is found down a small side street 2 minutes away from the station, and away from the all the crowds. The inside of this cafe was much larger than I expected, and all the furniture was made of wood. It was incredibly comfortable once we got inside, but the cafe does allow smoking. We ordered dinner, dessert, and coffee. We had their curry rice for dinner, and it tasted fantastic. It felt homemade. For dessert, we were surprised to see oshiruko and anmitsu on their menu! (those are some of my favorite desserts) They both tasted amazing. Finally, the coffee was exactly what I prefer. I really loved this cafe because it was so easy to relax here. There was a decent distance between tables, the temperature was very comfortable, it wasn’t too loud or too crowded, and the staff were quite friendly. I’d really like to go back again.


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NOVA 川崎校
🌼 〒210-0006 神奈川県川崎市川崎区砂子1-7-1 DK.Kawasakiビル2F
🌼 フリーダイヤル:0120-324-929
🌼 NOVA川崎校:044-244-4711
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