Hello everyone! NOVA立川校です(^^)/
Hi! I’m Kyle and I teach in Tachikawa and Hachioji. It’s great to meet you! I’m from Kansas in the United States, and I love to watch movies.
Kinder: I love my Mom, because she’s so kind and loving. She is also very smart and really funny!
Class5: My favorite anime character is Shin-chan, because he is so funny, but also very kind and loving. Even though he always gets into trouble, he has a huge heart and loves his family and friends.
Class4: I’d like to try running a marathon, because I think it would be an amazing accomplishment. I have many students who run in marathons so I know how hard it is, but hopefully I can do it myself someday.
Class3: We can make people happier around the world by loving and respecting those around us, accepting people and things that are different, and by protecting our environment. We need to make the world a happier place for all different kinds of people right now, while also taking care of the planet so that future generations can enjoy it.
Class 2c/2b/2a: Japan is a unique country because of its amazing history and culture. By comparison, the United States is such a young country. I love all the rich cultural traditions here, and I am very eager to learn more about them. I especially enjoy going to museums, as well as connecting with Japanese cultural history by visiting temples and shrines and learning about traditional Japanese art forms.
それでは、Have a nice day everyone! See you soon
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NOVA立川校 042-528-0660