
Hello ! NOVA松山校です🐰


By Thomas 先生でお送りします📢


Last week, I went to Shiroyama park to check out the cherry blossoms
and had a great time.
All of the cherry blossoms were fully bloomed and
many leaves were blowing in the wind.
There were a lot of people enjoying picnics and kids were running around the park, playing. It was an amazing sight.

All around the park, cherry blossoms were very nice.
I went camera happy and took maybe 100 pictures of the cherry blossoms and shared them with family and friends.
As the sun started to set, I decided to go to Matsuyama Castle to see the cherry blossoms around the park in front of the castle.

Before climbing up the trail under the ropeway cable car,
I decided to stop by a fantastic ice cream and
sweet potato place called Imon Pippi.

This place sells various types of purple sweet potato snacks including salt flavored sweet potato chips, baked sweet potatoes, and most famous, their spaghetti shaped sweet potato ice cream.
I ordered the spaghetti shaped ice cream and made my way up to the castle.




💛🐇 無料体験レッスン説明会承り中🐇💛


NOVA 松山校(愛媛県)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>

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