英会話スクール・英会話教室【カフェで使える英会話】Marshalが選ぶおすすめカフェTOP5☕️ 第4位 きりん珈琲






☕️ 第4位 きりん珈琲
🚃 蒲田駅 徒歩13分(大田区)

This cafe is one of my most recent visits, but it quickly became one of my favorite cafe experiences. Kirin Coffee is more modern compared to the other entries on this list, but I think it has the most character. Despite being more modern, it still emulates the high quality and care of older cafes while adding its own unique touches. The front of the cafe is immediately inviting memorable, as it has a dark green exterior with yellow giraffe motifs. It has a truly unique menu as well, including delicious sweet tamagoyaki sandwiches and a very special carbonara udon. On top of the delicious food, they serve coffee from multiple origins, with their house blend being perfect for relaxing after work. The staff at the cafe is also incredibly attentive and kind. It’s a very welcoming and comfortable cafe.

🚩「カフェで使える英会話 ②カフェのオーナーとの会話
If you’re lucky enough to have a conversation with the owner, these are some questions I always like to ask:
・What interests you about coffee?
・When did you open this cafe?
・How did you decide on your house blend?
・Why did you choose this location for your cafe?



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∩ ∩
( ´ θ ` )/ 
NOVA 川崎校
🌼 〒210-0006 神奈川県川崎市川崎区砂子1-7-1 DK.Kawasakiビル2F
🌼 フリーダイヤル:0120-324-929
🌼 NOVA川崎校:044-244-4711
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