英会話スクール・英会話教室👻【Shane’s Top10 Horror Movies】おすすめホラームービー 第5位「Trick ‘r Treat」🎥






Trick ‘r Treat (邦題:ブライアン・シンガーのトリック・オア・トリート)
Year of release: 2007
Director: Michael Dougherty

Tick ‘r Treat is a pure Halloween movie. It’s designed to be watched on
Halloween nights – much like Home Alone’s relationship with the Christmas
season. No Halloween watchlist would be complete without this modern
classic now. In spite of all this, Trick ‘r Treat does remain largely under
appreciated and it remains a movie that is not widely seen. It’s genuinely
terrifying at times, but also surprisingly funny. The movie is an anthology
movie comprised of four stories that are all linked through the creepy and
mysterious central character. This is a movie born out of love for the
Halloween season, and out of love for scary stories – for that reason, its
scary elements are executed to perfection and the whole movie is
punctuated with a surprising amount of detail. If there’s any movie on this list
that I implore people to see this Halloween season, it would be this one!
Partly because it’s under appreciated, but also because it’s the most
“Halloween” Halloween movie on this list.



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