英会話スクール・英会話教室👻【Shane’s Top10 Horror Movies】おすすめホラームービー 第8位「The Conjuring」🎥






The Conjuring (邦題: 死霊館)
Year of release: 2013
Director: James Wan

Horror movies seem to always be defined by the time they were released in.
There was the slasher movie craze in the 1980s, and the torture-porn boom
in the 2000s. Noticed that horror movies these days (or the popular ones at
least) seem to always be about a haunted house? You can thank James Wan
for that (him and a little horror series called Paranormal Activity [Wan also
created the hugely popular Insidious series of supernatural horror films]).
James Wan’s The Conjuring was released in 2013 to great commercial and
critical success – a rarity for the horror genre. All supernatural horror movies
since have tried to emulate the success of The Conjuring, but none have
been able to recapture the magic of this movie. It holds the distinction of
being a genuinely scary, atmospheric movie that is also finely crafted with
powerful performances. The production design and cinematography help
elevate this creepy story (apparently based on true events) and support
Wan’s patient and detailed direction. It’s a quiet movie, filled with dread and
tension. Don’t watch it alone this Halloween!



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