英会話スクール・英会話教室👻【Shane’s Top10 Horror Movies】おすすめホラームービー 第7位「Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives」🎥






Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (邦題: 13日の金曜日PART6/ジェイソンは生きていた!)
Year of release: 1986
Director: Tom McLoughlin

The Friday the 13th franchise is an odd one, if I’m being honest. It’s a
universally known horror franchise – arguably the most famous horror series!
Ask anybody to name a few horror movies that they think should be on a
Halloween watchlist, and I guarantee you Friday the 13th will be one of the
films they say. The funny thing is that Sean S. Cunningham’s original Friday
the 13th (1980) is not a good movie – it also, contrary to popular belief, does
not feature Jason Voorhees as the main antagonist (Jason appears in that
movie briefly at the end). In all honesty, none of the Friday the 13th movies
are good movies in my opinion. Most of, if not all, the movies on this list are
better movies than this movie; but Friday the 13th Part VI – Jason Lives is the
best Friday the 13th movie! It’s the best because it doesn’t take itself too
seriously. It’s almost satirical of slasher movies and it’s gleefully unapologetic
of its violent campiness; this movie is about an undead Jason Voorhees
killing young campers in absurd ways… what more do you want from a
Friday the 13th movie?! And you may be asking why I put this movie so high
up on the list if I don’t think it’s a particular good movie. Well, a Halloween
watchlist shouldn’t be about objectively good movies. Given the right
context, I enjoy campy trash. And Jason Lives is hugely enjoyable campy
trash! It’s in many ways the perfect Halloween night movie!!


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