






What was your first impression of Japan?

A:Japan is a very safe and clean country.



How do you feel about your Japanese apartment?

A:My very first place was tiny but now I live in a decent sized apartment and feel very comfortable.



What’s one specific thing that you really like about Japan?

A:I love Japanese food. I can’t get enough of sushi an sashimi.


Q:Favorite ジブリ

What’s your favourite Ghibli movie?

A:Princess Mononoke. I love how nature is depicted.


Q:Favorite Disney

What’s your favourite Disney movie?

A:I like Moana and how realistic the water looked.


Q:Favorite Marvel

What’s your favourite Marvel movie?

A:I enjoyed Spider-Man Into the Spider-verse.

I thought the art work was amazing and I liked the music too.



What’s your favourite Pokemon?

A:Sorry, I’m not much of a Pokemon fan.



What anime or games do you like?


A:I’m not a gammer but the first animation movie I saw was AKIRA. At that time I had never seen anything like it and was blown away.



What do you think about Japanese convenience stores?


A:Japanese convenience stores are very convenient. When I first came to Japan I practically lived off of them.



What’s something that you were surprised was different here than in your home country? (This can be something really small if you like, those differences are interesting)

A:Once when I was swimming at the beach I was told I had to get out of the water and that the beach was closing. In Hawaii the ocean is never closed and you can enjoy it anytime you like. We even go surfing in the middle of the night if there is a full moon.



Have you been in any strange or difficult situations since coming to Japan?

A:The most difficult situation I was in was missing a train in the countryside and having to wait another hour for the next one to go home.







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