




Another big surprise was interaction with the police in Japan compared to back in America. Where I grew up, we don’t interact with police much unless we get stopped, even then, we are hesitent due to our countries past with police violence. As I was looking for my apartment first day I moved here, I was left with only a map to my apartment due to the time I got into the city and my housing agent needing to take his train home.

I walked around trying to figure out the map in the area my apartment was supposed to be. After a hour or so, two Japanese police officers noticed I had a lot of bags and luggage and was struggling to understand the map that was given to me. As they were walking up to me, I figured they were going to ask for my ID, name and what I was doing there, which is a pretty standard line of questioning back in America, but to my surprise the first thing the officer asked was, if everything was ok and if I needed help. First thing that popped into my mind was just saying, no im ok and walk off, but they asked to see the map and then said they noticed I’ve been walking around and sitting there for the past hour and offered to help show me how to get to my apartment.

They then helped with my bags and walked me almost 15mins away from where I was to my apartment. They then said if I needed help again to stop by their police box anytime and hope I enjoy my stay. I was pretty taken back by that. I don’t think there was one time that I can remember where police back in the States were that helpful to me and have went out of their way to do something nice like that. That was such a huge shock and surprise.

I later asked a friend that I knew who grew up here if that was normal for Japan, and they said that it was. I never knew that Japanese public transportation was so great and that police were so helpful here!






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NOVA 八王子校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>