英会話スクール・英会話教室海外のValentine’s day🍫💛




イギリス出身のAlex先生が ”Western Valentine’s Day” について教えてくれました(^^♪

Valentine’s Day is a time of year in Japan where men’s wallets can relax and woman’s purses pay the toll of having to purchase chocolate for male friends and love interests. But it will surprise you to know that in the west it is not only the females that buy chocolate and gifts for males, but also that men are supposed to buy chocolate and/or gifts for females on that same day too. Yes, there is actually no White Day in the west; the two days: Valentine’s Day and White Day are celebrated together on February 14th as Valentine’s Day.

Another difference between western Valentine’s Day and the Japanese version is that in the west there is a much heavier emphasis that Valentine’s Day gifts are given to someone you have romantic feelings for, maybe a small percentage could be from sympathic mothers trying to comfort their sons who have been unlucky in the love department. In Japan however, Valentine’s Day gifts are given from woman to male friends who they have no romantic interest in at all, a concept that I think sounds like a way to make an unnecessary and expensive holiday ven more so, but hey, I guess it’s good business for the chocolate companies. In fact, Japanese shoppers make up the largest chocolate market in Asia, with woman in Japan sometimes spending upwards of $180 on chocolate each Valentine’s Day, I can’t help but think this widespread chocolate give-athon is at least partially responsible.





NOVA 高松ゆめタウン校(香川県)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>